Welcome home - video 4

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Those who decide to join us in fellowship will be welcomed into fellowship with our church.  Below is our membership covenant. A couple of times a year we go through this together and new and current members alike affirm their commitment to our body.

Northside Christian Center
Church Covenant

As a born-again believer and follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, understanding the importance of belonging to a church family, I commit myself to the body of believers at Northside Christian Center.  As a member together with this fellowship of believers, I will:

Uphold the Testimony of Jesus Christ and Northside:
By pursuing spiritual maturity becoming more like Christ each day
By living a godly life in our community
By committing to meet with the church regularly and faithfully

Maintain the Unity of Northside:
By acting in love toward all in the church
By refusing to gossip
By following the direction of church leadership

Share in Responsibility for Growth at Northside:
By fulfilling Jesus' Commission to "Go"
By praying for growth in the church
By inviting and warmly welcoming people to our fellowship

Serve in Ministry with Northside:
By giving of myself in ministry to others
By being equipped to serve with my fellow believers
By developing a servant’s heart and being available